Tag Archives: World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Useful Macros (6.2.x.x)


Fast Fade (stop casting anything and cast Fade):

This is pretty simple; it will stop whatever you’re casting and cast Fade.

/cast Fade

Fast Silence:

Same as above, but you will stop whatever you’re currently casting and cast silence on your target.

/cast Silence

Holy Fire & Shadow Word: Pain combined to save space:

Using the same button, spam this should cast Holy Fire and finish at Shadow Word Pain and reset to Holy Fire, saving button space.

/castsequence reset=20 Holy Fire, Shadow Word: Pain

Holy Word: Serenity & Circle of Healing combined to save space:

Mostly due to preference, this is same as above, but for Holy Word: Serenity & Circle of Healing

/castsequence reset=20 Holy Word: Serenity,Circle of Healing

Purify if friendly target or yourself if nothing selected, if unfriendly target Dispel Magic, if shift, alt or ctrl held down Mass Dispel selected:

Title is self-explanatory, puts 3 spells in one button.

/cast [nomod,help,exists] Purify; [harm,exists] Dispel Magic
/cast [nomod,@player] Purify
/cast [mod:shift] Mass Dispel
/cast [mod:alt] Mass Dispel
/cast [mod:ctrl] Mass Dispel

Flash Heal modifier, if Alt, Shift or Ctrl held down ‘Heal’ is selected:

This is a simple modifier, if you hold shift, alt or ctrl you can cast ‘Heal’, if nothing is held you can cast ‘Flash Heal’.

/cast [nomodifier] Flash Heal
/cast [modifier:shift] Heal
/cast [modifier:alt] Heal
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Heal

Cast sequence for trinket (Judgment of the Naaru) & Shadowfiend combined to save space:

This basically targets your target and casts your offensive spells and goes back to your previous target, making it easier to continue to heal without having to any specific manual targeting.

 /castsequence reset=60 Judgment of the Naaru, Shadowfiend

General Macros

Change specs:

This should just switch from your Primary to your Secondary Specialisation and vice versa.

/usetalents [spec:1] 2; [spec:2] 1