Tag Archives: Local Security Policy

Accessing Local Group Policy Editor and Local Security Policy for Windows 10 Home editions

Simply to upsell Microsoft feels the need to basically switch off components within its Windows OS (Operating System). Annoyingly the real-time protection feature keeps enabling itself every time Windows is restarted. You have a few ways to switch this off, but my personal preference has always been the group policy method, however using Home editions this is missing.

You can use this method to enable it:

Local Group Policy Editor

How to Enable the Group Policy Editor on Windows Home Editions | TechSpot

Or slightly different way:

How to Access the Group Policy Editor in Windows Home

Local Security Policy

How to Enable Local Security Policy (secpol.msc) in Windows 10 Home – MajorGeeks

Simply right click on the start button (bottom left) and launch ‘Run’ then type:


Alternatively simply search in the Start menu for secpol.msc and that should give the best result as the Local Security Policy.

There does seem to be an alternative method to Group Policy called Policy Plus, but I have not tried it out completely to comment. You can find it linked below.

GitHub – Fleex255/PolicyPlus: Local Group Policy Editor plus more, for all Windows editions